It was SO good to see everyone, especially our out-of-town friends Kevin, Laura, and Hazel... seeing Madelyn and Hazel was SO MUCH FUN! Maddie was instantly in love... and was asking about Hazel any time she left her line of sight. We drove out of Ennis on Sunday afternoon and Madelyn feel asleep immediately, but as soon as she opened her eyes further down the road, the first thing she said was, "Hay-hay?? Go???" (translation - where did Hazel go?!). It was really endearing to see them interact together. And therapeutic to have parenting time together with Kev and Woolfy:)
There are a few pictures of our dress-up birthday party - Leah celebrated her 28th birthday while at the West Nest... the ladies hit the thrift shop and brought back snazzy attire for everyone:) Complete with a full set of some pretty good-looking trucker hats! Although Aaron's high-water polyester pants really took the cake in my book.
Thanks to Margot and Andy, and Nancy and Sandy for providing such a great time/space for all of us to enjoy! You are the best!
Here are a few pictures of the trip (well, OK, mostly the first 2 days because we ran out of memory on the camera because those girls were so darn cute together!!). I will try and add more pictures from others' cameras as they are posted...
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