Anyways, I had to laugh at the collection of pictures that were backlogged on the camera - this little person has such big personality in such a little body! And the camera hardly does it all justice....
Here is Madelyn, just figuring out what pockets are all about. She toted her crayons from the kitchen to the livingroom and back, taking them out, putting them back in her pocket, over and over again.
And Madelyn going to daycare on Friday wearing her tu-tu. It started out as a "fancy" (her word) hat on her head, but eventually made it's way to midline...reverted back to fancy hat once we got to daycare!
This is Madelyn "helping" me to make cookies in the kitchen. I assumed she was quietly spooning flour on the floor from one bowl to another... so wrong:) When I turned around, she was on her belly licking up the flour in the bowl like a kitty-cat drinks milk. I think that was the image she was going for... the flour had turned to paste on her face and took multiple scrubs to come off:)
And finally, here is Madelyn playing with one of her grandparents' latest gifts... some holiday garland, that quickly became a stylish belt and bracelet. Baby-doll (not pictured) got one as well!
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