Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy new year!

We celebrated with party plates, fun hats, summer huckleberries on ice cream, and fireworks viewed from the back porch. Miles is still saying, "wow!"

Wishing you a happy new year!

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Sunday, December 30, 2012

Play dough

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Saturday, December 29, 2012

Tamale fun

We tried our hand at making tamales the other day... Chicken mole tamales for the most part. An all day project for sure!

By the the end of my making, I had it down, next time will be smoother. There were loads of left over corn husks that Madelyn and Miles had fun with for the rest of the afternoon.

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Skate party at Kelly School

Whew we had fun today out at Kelly School. Temps were single digits in town, but felt much warmer in Kelly with the sun shining on us. We poached the skates and hit the rink for a bit with Tate, Karsten, and families. Madelyn was able to leave her push-chair and move around the rink a bit. We took a sledding break, and then had a picnic lunch and some gym time afterwards. Tired kids, to say the least!

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Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas, happy chewing

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Saturday, December 15, 2012

Busy December

Well, we've been busy, as evidenced by the lack of posts. Madelyn and Mama went to see the local production of Cinderella, and got to collect autographs afterwards on the stage. Miles had his 1.5 yr checkup... Still zero percentile weight (20 lbs) and 50% height, perfectly happy and healthy! We've been lighting candles for Chanukah and Solstice each night, and the tree is up. Theres been lots of fun conversations about where each ornament came from ( including some from Mama and uncle David's era). Here are some clips of Cinderella, our friend Ben over for dinner, Miles in drawing mode, etc.

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Thursday, December 13, 2012

Tickle Monster

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Monday, December 3, 2012

Out and about

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Sunday, November 11, 2012

G-team arrives

G-m's and G-pa arrived last week. Lots of fun in all departments! Miles as Madelyn have been crashing with exhaustion from so much excitement! Lisa snuck off to Spring Creek for an overnight, Mike has been out on the town, and a date night planned for Monday night.... Life is easy with 8 hands!

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Sunday, November 4, 2012


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Hiking the butte

Madelyn and I took advantage of the beautiful weather today and hiked the neighborhood butte. Great views of town and lots of satisfaction from a 4-year old hiker !

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Snowflake season

Madelyn has just discovered how to make snowflakes....! This frenzy continued (with a side-trip into snowflake costume making) until the table was so covered in scraps that Madelyn could no longer find her scissors!:)

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Papa, baby pumpkin, Sacajawea, and Puddles the pig ( from one of MAmas favorite books) at the Kelly School parade!

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