Saturday, June 20, 2009

New adventures

Well, Madelyn has hit a major developmental milestone: she has learned to eat black olives off of her fingers with great swiftness and joy!:) I'm sorry I don't have pictures of it, it's really quite a site! She thinks it's terribly funny and has been laughing with chunks of black olives pouring out of her mouth. It turns out she can hold at least 4 in her mouth at a time...

Today we were on "mission: fix up the porch." We ended up at the hardware store and Madelyn had a GREAT time! She discovered all of the pictures of doggies and kitties in the pet isle, sampled the tricycles, and tested out the kid-sized lounge chairs. So fun! Why don't we adventure there more often!

Ah... I think we'll try and shop for cameras tomorrow. I've been taking a bunch of pictures with my phone, but can't for the life of me figure out how to get them onto the computer!?

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