Thursday, June 25, 2009

G-team visits

My folks are/were here this week. We had a brief visit from my mom and a few extra days from my dad (still here). We've been having fun in the sun, playing in the water, blowing bubbles, making laps to the park, got new sunglasses, visited the horses, etc.

Today my dad and I took Maddie to Porcupine Nursery and Garden to scope out the place. Madelyn had a great time with the flowers, 3 dogs, and sprinklers everywhere! My dad probably had the adult equivalent amount of fun - the owners had plenty of questions for him about organic "fertilizers," compost tea set-ups, etc.

We are gearing up for Mark and Ryland's wedding this weekend (wahoo!), which brings Kev and Woolfy and Hazel to town (yipee!), and a farewell party for Mike and Jess (!?)! Here's a picture of Mark's bachelor party poker night (last night)... MK came home as the big winner, dinner on MK tonight!

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