Sunday, January 25, 2015

Catch-up pictures

I Don't know where the last few weeks have gone, but we must have been busy because I didn't capture much on camera... 

Madelyn has started skiing on Fridays as part of our school program. Miles has become evenore obsessed with all things Star Wars- a few days sick at home meant he had time to read every book on Star Wars in the library and start in on the movies with Mike!  Lisa and Michael are just humming along, wrapped up in the crazy of daily life;).  Michael is eying fat bikes when he thinks we aren't looking, and Lisa is trying to get to yoga once a week.  The light is coming back in themornings and evenings and that makes everyone a little but happier these days!
Crafty glitter project, inspired and lead by Madelyn of course!

Miles, looking slightly green from the facepaint he had on earlier in the morning (again, inspired by big sis, but self imposed)

We got out on the Kelly ice rink a few weeks ago. Miles lasted for one lap around the rink, distracted by the fact that there was shoveling to be done somewhere. He was out of his skates and back in boots faster than fast!
Dance party with Phoebe and Wren
Guinea pig loving... Sadly only once a week when I clean the cage!?
Bath buddies.

Maddie reading to Miles at the library while they wait for Mom. Pure awesomeness....

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