Well, spring break started off with a bang of serious proportions... Madelyn fell of the back of a couch onto a tile floor. The result was a run to the ER to get her arm checked out and x-rayed. It appeared to be just a bruised bone and not a fracture, but the doc said it was hard to tell, so we have just been keeping it in the splint and icing it as much as possible. Injuries and 3 year-olds make for an interesting mix... it was hard to tell what was real discomfort and what was just Madelyn playing her parents for all they were worth. Not to be unsympathetic, but the scene appeared to be leaning towards the later. So, today we sent Madelyn off to school, and just as we had suspected (and hoped for!), she was capable of doing much more than she let on to with full pleasantries! She's still not willing to use her elbow much, but I suspect she just needs more time. We'll have a follow-up visit with the doc at the end of the week. Here she is showing you both her splint and an orange mustache.

I also neglected to post a few pictures of Madelyn and her birthday party. Tate and Leah came over, we made crowns, had a little lunch and made ice cream sundaes!

And, Madelyn last week in her new favorite birthday hat from Jean:)
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