The season of 3-year-olds is upon us! Last week we went to our friend Lucas' birthday party at the gymnastics place - so much fun! Madelyn especially loved the trampolines (yes, LOTS of trampolines!) This weekend we're celebrating Grady's 3rd birthday (and hopefully Michael's too), and next weekend will be Madelyn's "party."

This weekend we're celebrating Grady's 3rd birthday (and hopefully Michael's too), and next weekend will be Madelyn's "party."
Madelyn's new bed arrived a few days ago... the bed was a BIG hit, as was the box it came in! Here is Madelyn and Michael in their space ship during blast-off.

After taking down Madelyn's old crib, rearranging a bit, her room seems infinitely bigger (which is good because the extra space will quickly be filled by #2!)

Yesterday we decorated Madelyn's bed so that it was fancy... we made dragonflies, hung butterflies, and some fancy ribbons on the side. "Ooh-la-la" she says!