We just got back from the E.R. - Michael took a digger on his mountain bike and has a slight fracture in his radial head of his elbow (ie: broken elbow). He is feeling (and looking!) much better now that the percoset (sp?) has kicked in and he is resting peacefully in bed with his arm propped up in a splint. He will return to an orthopedist in 3 days to hear more about what needs to be done, but it surgery has been ruled out, which is good news!
Madelyn had a great time at the hospital - she thoroughly enjoyed her self... we looked in all of the empty rooms, made a few new friends with various scrapes and bruises, learned all about the equipment in Michael's room, and even got some new crayons/coloring book and stickers! I hope not to return for quite a while, but as far as ER visits go, it was a hit:)
I am back at school as of last week, kids come on Wednesday. And many a mile to go before I sleep... My phone is still resting with the huckleberries, but the new one will hopefully arrive in the next day or two and I'll be back to fully functional, in the phone realm at least!
Here are some random pictures from the last 2 weeks... self portraits, Madelyn's new love of pig-tails and pony tails, and some table-chat.
Oh, and a picture of Madelyn's chocolate cake (which she mentions in the movie clip). On Friday, there was a party at preschool for one of the teachers who was leaving. Madelyn sweet-talked a piece of cake from that teacher as we were leaving. I told Madelyn that she had to save it for after dinner. Somehow, she (again) sweet talked me into letting her hold it in the back seat. "I not gonna eat it, just hold it, Mama..." I had my doubts, but it was a low risk experiment..... amazingly, we were in the car for at least 30 minutes and here's that piece of cake with only a few finger pokes and a lick or two on the frosting! I took a picture of it because I thought it showed such amazing self restraint for a 2 year old! I wouldn't have been able to do it myself!?
Hi Fam, Maddie is growing like crazy! What q cutie!! Sorry to hear about Michael... soo glad surgery will not be needed. Uncle Rick and I also visited the ER a few days ago. I broke the metatarsal bone in my right foot. On crutches, soft boot cast etc. But also told should not need surgery!!!! Wish you a speedy recovery Michael. We love you guys. Aunt Betty and Uncl Rick
oh man mike what a bummer. i hope you heal up soon.
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