Sunday, June 13, 2010

Dog Bones

Over the past week, whilst dealing with the last week of school, MK working evenings/weekends, and Miss Croup, we also had to figure out and set up a new insurance account (school district changing over). After an hour of rounding Madelyn up at home, I finally got her in the car and made it to the bank to open our insurance account - and Madelyn, most likely with fever, spotted the jar of dog bones on the bank counter. She went manic about them! And, like any sleep deprived mother, I caved immediately to keep her from melting down at the bank, even though we don't HAVE a dog!? We walked out of the bank 30 minutes later with a bright green dog bone and Madelyn carried that bone around like treasure for hours!! She gave it to the neighbor's dog the next morning, and was hooked on the new sport! We ended up getting a box of bones at the grocery store a few days later to satisfy her cravings:)

1 comment:

Laura said...

brilliant! her first community service project.
