Another nutty week! Maddie stayed home on Tuesday and Wednesday with mild fevers and a serious lack of sleep. We suspected ear infection, but it turns out 3 more molars are breaking through. What I thought were her 2-year molars in the last round were apparently not, so here we go again! This kid is
rough stuff when teething! She is either wide awake all night, up every 30 minutes, or throwing raging tantrums!? Not much seems to work- we've tried magic sleepy milk, music, endless rocking, and plenty of doses of IB ... She does seem to prefer our bed these days, which is bad news for Mike and I because as much as we love Madelyn, she is an
awful bed-sharer!! Everyone is looking a little rough here at the end of the week. Glad to get it over and done now and not over our spring break trip to Florida!
Here's Maddie after coming home from 'school' with a new hair-do. Somehow, she willingly lets the ladies at daycare do her hair - I never have any success with it, so more power to them!

I'm home from school today (paybacks for conferences all week), catching up on sleep and getting ready for M's birthday party on Sunday. I'm hoping to find a few hours to go on a nice long walk down the Refuge Road and look for blue birds -tis the season!
1 comment:
sounds like a rough week, with conferences on top of it all. I chuckled when i saw maddie's hair. hazel only lets her daycare teachers do her hair as well. sometimes we barely recognize her when we pick her up.
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