Friday, January 22, 2010

The potty Panda

Grandma and Grandpa Gore sent a panda for Madelyn - thanks you two! She loved the "hugs and kisses" heart on it - she saw it more as a mandate and immediately smothered the bear with her hugs and kisses, and.... then quickly showed Panda the ropes, ie: how to go potty:) Maddie may resent this picture later in life, but I just couldn't help myself!

Madelyn has done the last 3 days in BIG GIRL UNDIES! So exciting! As long as we're regular about reminding her every 30 minutes, we're good to go! Exciting!

1 comment:

Laura said...

woohoo maddie. keep up the potty shots they inspire little ha ha who has decided she is not into the potty anymore. xo
