Monday, November 2, 2009

insights into a 1.5 year old's mind

I was telling my mom today how fun it's been to watch Madelyn make some rather big discoveries and ask those big questions (in her own limited-language way of course!). Madelyn has been discovering the fact that there is something to that black scribbling that adults seem to read. She sees the letters on her waterbottle and says "name." And of course transfers that to a lot of other print... I have seen her starting to notice print in books as well.

Madelyn and I took a walk tonight, and thanks to daylight savings, we were watching the sun set at 5:00 (!?) We were noticing all of the beautiful colors and naming them. I said something like "the sunset colors happen when the sun goes night-night." And Madelyn thought about it for a minute and then asked with a shrug "go?? night-night sun. Go??" Which is her way of asking "where does the sun go when it goes away??" How fun to see those little wheels turning!

Other fun(ny) things:
Madelyn is pretending to drive the car in the back seat now and then, sound effects and steering wheel movements to boot.

She will loudly announce when she has "gas." In case we hadn't heard:)

Madelyn took one look at a picture I drew of her in her ladybug costume and quickly proclaimed "COW!" The black polka-dots and antennae must have thrown her off:)

She is enjoying "spicy." She does taste spicy now and then, but pretty much lumps anything with a strong flavor into the "spicy" category. Tonight she was enjoying dipping parts of dinner into a small blob of mustard and then telling us how spicy it was, along with the dramatic wave of a hand in front of her mouth and chugging water.

We were reading Goodnight Moon last night... the red balloon is prominent there on the first page, and then disappears from sight for a few pages. Madelyn asked where it went, and then answered her own question with "pop!!" and giggled to her self...

Lots of "2 year old moments," but along with the brief fits and overactive "wants" comes a lot of fun insights into the way the world works for such a young person:) So fun to be witness!

1 comment:

Laura said...

so well said lis. we are lucky to be witnesses to such incredible discovery.

i love the image of maddie in the back seat driving the car and the endearing story about asking where the sun goes. there is so much going on in these little brains it blows me a way. xox woolfy
