Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Last day before school!

Michael went down to Utah yesterday for the test for his final class (hooray!). Jess came over for dinner, and ended up spending the night - poor thing, Madelyn chose last night to be up from 12:30-4:00 am!? She told me around 3:30 that her "mouth had ouchies" (in sign) - maybe those last 4 incisors coming in? Or maybe Madelyn's last ditch attempt to keep my juggling (after asking for food, water, chapstick, books, papa, etc!?)

So, lack of sleep last night made for a very testy little 1.5 year old today...we had to just get out of the house!? Madelyn always seems to be better behaved in public:) We hit the town visitor center and played with the geese for a while. Somewhere in the middle of this clip, Madelyn touches her nose (hard to see) and says "honk!" That's what geese say, you know:) There were some silly tourists feeding the geese white bread - they handed Madelyn some so that she could feed the geese...A bad idea for several reasons: 1. The geese are as big as she is and not exactly friendly! 2. Madelyn decided that rather than share the bread with the geese, she'd pop the whole chunk in her mouth before they could get to it!

Last day before I head back to school (no kids until next Wednesday). I'm setting LOW expectations for the blog-watchers - no more multi-post weeks I'm guessing. You'll have to entertain yourselves with "re-runs" now and then:)

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