Thursday, August 21, 2008

First Day of Daycare

Today was Lisa's first official day back at school, and Maddie's first day of daycare. This lucky little gal is spending Mondays with Papa, Tuesdays-Thursdays with 2 other similarly aged little ones and a great family in town, and Fridays in Kelly with one of Lisa's wonderful classroom families. That said, today was not easy for either MK or LL. Michael had the toughest job - the drop off, while Lisa got to do the pick-up. Maddie seemed to have no trouble and spent the day hanging out with baby Sita and Wyatt today, took a great stroll, a long nap, lots of rolling, bouncing and chewing.

Lots of big landmarks for Maddie cropping up. She took a pacifier last night and this morning! Is this a good thing? We're not sure, but it makes bed time a heck of a lot easier! Maddie is also getting her legs up underneath her in the crawling position and now and then makes small rocking motions. Her legs are becoming much stronger (maybe all of that johnny-jump-up!?) and she is putting more and more weight on them each day.

And - I feel silly for not having any pictures, but Sarah and Eric were with us for the last few days. They just got married, and are up and moving to Vancouver where Sarah has a post-doc and Eric is returning to school. A great visit - lots of fun to see Sarah and to meet Eric!

This is a picture of Maddie hanging out with us in the kitchen tonight as we made dinner. This new chew toy was a big hit -a silicone kitchen brush. And, a picture of L. and M. getting in lots of snuggle yesterday in prep for going back to work (yes Woolfy, I'm wearing your shirt again! I promise it will one day make it's way back to you!).

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