Well, our weekly rhythms continue - swim lessons, a few days of school for Madelyn, Wednesday Peoples' Market, and lots of park time... Miles went for his one month check up - looking right as rain (still a little yellow, but not a concern). He's now 7 pounds 7 ounces - strangers still comment on how tiny he looks, but I'm thinking he's really filled out quite a bit! He's starting to loose that true newborn look and is having far more awake time, is a bit fussier (still mild in the scheme of things!), and squawking a bit more too!
Madelyn is doing well with easing into the big sister role. It seems to get easier each day for her, and she's more able to express what she's thinking and feeling without completely falling to pieces. Today she told me that she wanted me to only pay attention to
her and not Miles. We've talked a lot about how it's OK to feel like that sometimes, sharing a parent is hard! But on the flip side, she also was so excited to take a nap with Miles in the room today that I couldn't get her to sleep until Miles was in his rocker right next to her bed. She said, "Now I won't be lonely when I sleep!" Oh how true
that will be in a few months when Miles moves in to her room permanently!! I hope she'll still be as excited!
Here's Madelyn's picture of the week, I thought it was a great one, and shows her perspective well:)

A few pictures of Miles this week:

And, tonight Madelyn decided to tell Miles a bed-time story, which I caught on camera:)