Now I know why the 2nd child has no pictures... it's not that you've seen it and done it all already, it's just that life is "all hands on deck" all of the time! Who can hold a camera!? Lucky for us, my parents took copious amounts of pictures for us while they were visiting:) What a gift to have extra hands (and eyes) to keep Madelyn busy these days! I don't know who ran whom more ragged the two of them or Madelyn!? Madelyn has been doing great overall as a big sister - she clearly loves little Miles and is excited to have him here, but it is an adjustment and she is finding herself up against a few boundaries now and then... so it is in the first few months I suppose!
Miles had his first bath today (his umbilical cord fell of a few days ago, much to Madelyn's fascination). We've been out and about in the double stroller. And the whole family made it to the Peoples' Market tonight to play with friends and eat delicious food. Having fun adjusting to a new rhythm of life, and settling in to new routines.
Still having trouble uploading videos, so those will have to wait.