Saturday, October 31, 2009

Our little ladybug

A friend loaned me this great little outfit for Maddie's Halloween costume...too cute! Madelyn still has no idea what candy is, so we kept a relatively low profile today. We visited our friends Anne and Pete and Leah so that Madelyn could have a reason to dress up, wore it around the house a few times, and called it good.

Madelyn did a great job decorating our pumpkin with marker over the past week. She was excited to see it carved and lit up tonight! We went out several times to check on it.

As for trick-or-treaters, we had FAR more visitors when we lived in Kelly! Mike had one neighbor kid come to the door with no costume on and ask for candy!? I'm proud to say Mike read him the riot act, but did cave a little and gave him some of our shwaggiest candy:)

Maddie reads and sings

Here's Madelyn reading a book (Thanks Wayne and Carol!) and singing a little song as she goes...

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Adventures in potty training

Well, there has been quite a lot of discussion about underwear at our house lately, as you can see.... Today Madelyn got 6 pair of "big-girl" underwear (with a little extra padding, because we're not quite there yet!)! She was quite excited to put them on tonight and show Grandma Jude and Grandpa Jeff. So excited in fact, that she put on a 2nd pair over the first! David - the "undies on the head" picture is for you!:)

Madelyn is quite adept at the whole potty business, but seems to have taken a few weeks hiatus... these days she doesn't like to have it suggested that she sit on the potty, she won't except being put on the potty, it has to be entirely her own idea (hello 2's!). So, hopefully being able to feel when she's wet will be a quick motivator! We'll see how tomorrow goes!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Fun pic

Madelyn booted the geranium out of the window this evening so that she could reclaim her window-seat.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

pumpkins on the square

Pumpkins on the square! Fun seeing Megan, Sita, Jess and many others!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Clips from the week

Here's a movie clip of a few moments with Madelyn this week... quite the ham!

Lots of bundling up and playing outside this week. Just came back from the pool - Madelyn did an excellent job of putting her face in the water all by herself, swimming underwater, going down the GIANT slide with Michael (8-10 times!?), jumping off the edge... turning into a regular fish!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

First snow sticks...

Yesterday we had our first significant snowfall stick around. Not cold enough to stick around on the roads, but I had almost 8 inches on the car yesterday morning when I went to work. Madelyn was in heaven! She played outside for a long time yesterday at daycare, despite the fact that her snow clothes are still in the mail (thank you g-ma Gore! Our gift cert did the trick!), and was begging for more when we got home yesterday afternoon. Yes, that is Madelyn's tadpole hat from last Halloween:) It still fits and I couldn't resist.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

A family walk

It has turned COLD outside! We had a high of 42 yesterday, and today the snow was on the ground in Kelly until late afternoon!
We went on a little family walk yesterday - Madelyn looked too cute in her warmer attire:) Here are a few pictures, and a movie clip of Madelyn walking the stroller...
